The Green Tea: Chanelle Lagassé

Chanelle Legasse, Winnipeg blogger, Winnipeg Influencer

"The Green Tea", is our series of Instagram Live chats about conscious consumption, creative expression, and the climate crisis. We're chatting with small business owners, educators, and researchers who share a passion for our planet.

We chat with @chanellelagasse on taking steps to living a more conscious lifestyle.

@chanellelagasse (she/her) is a sustainability blogger, health care professional, and lifelong student. Her account is dedicated to content featuring tips on reducing household waste, slow fashion, supporting local, plantbased food, and shifting our mindset from consumerism to making conscious decisions in our every day lives. Chanelle is also particularly interested in the impacts of climate and social injustices in our health, and hopes to work in the environmental sector in the future.Watch our Instagram Live chat below where we discuss steps towards sewing your way into a more sustainable lifestyle:


The Green Tea: Jessica White of Wellness Through Connection


The Green Tea: Katherine, Winnipeg Sews